Monday, March 30, 2009

Musical Monday

Born to Run album cover, I couldn't find any good ones with Clarence in it

Bruce Springsteen is my favorite after Third Day. Why might you say, my reply the lyrics. His lyrics tell stories,they captivate, they are some of the best ever written. Need proof go listen to Jungleland, you can almost see the song happening in your head. My dad has always been into Springsteen but I never really cared until about a little under a year ago.
I have never seen him live but the energy show in the DVD we have is enormous, I know this compares nothing to his live performance. Just the way he interacts with the crowd and his band is amazing, while still having raw emotion.
The only album I own is Born To Run, I would love to own the rest but haven't got the funds to do so. Born to Run takes you on a crazy adventure full of characters and their stories. My favorite song on it would be Jungleland but all of the except Meeting Across the River are super.( the reason I don't like MATR is it's boring I know that's weird but I just don't dig it.)
I'm glad i listen to Springsteen, a lot of kids my age listen to the over sung processed stuff they put on the radio, few listen to music they had to be shown or found themselves. But personally I don't want kids my age to listen to Springsteen, they wouldn't grasp it and many just wouldn't like it. I'm very protective of the things I love. I like being different.

1 comment:

  1. sorry, I am also a Springsteen fan. lol you are still unique though:)
