Friday, March 13, 2009

And Today...

Criminal Minds, My favorite TV show. I stumbled over it one night but now I love it. I like how the crimes aren't over blown and all about the guy solving it, and the work as a team. Sure C.S.I is great but the life stories of the people play to much affect on the show. I used to watch C.S.I: Miami but then Horatio's son showed up and like 20 episodes were about him.
I don't really have a favourite character because none of then have any hardcore background that makes you not like them. But I do love Garcia she's amazing. Okay and Spencer Reid may well be the best looking profilers ever.
Another thing I like is you almost always know who the killer is and just have to wait for them to link up the clues. On C.S.I you do know from time to time but usually that only when they are trying to find the serial killer that has haunted them through the whole season. Because you know this you don't have to go " Oh it might be him, he seems guilty."
One of the best shows on TV in my opinion.


  1. who's the guy in the sweater vest ?
    if hes interesting i may just watch this show

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dr. Spencer Reid, I love him.
    The smart one, slightly crazy and talks too much but he's great.

  4. SPENCER<3
    he's a beauty.
