Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Changing our ways.

This video is graphic.  It is also fairly long

This video made me weep.
I've always dismissed abortion is like the holocaust argument because I've always heard it presented as an after thought.  Like one person will say "Hitler killed 6 million Jews" and the other will say "yah but we've killed millions through abortion"  I always felt it cheapened the horrible deaths of those innocent people(and the way people tacked it on at the end does cheapen it like they're trying to show it up.), like they didn't matter because we kill babies.  Every human life matters, very single one.  Though the hatred I have for Hitler and Stalin makes me deny this.
This video presents this argument in way that makes sense, that makes you feel true empathy.  It changed me, and I've been set against the holocaust and abortion for my entire life.  They present it effectively and empathetically, not make any crime lesser than the other.
One third of my generation is dead because of abortion.  It's incredibly sad.  The whole argument for abortion doesn't even make sense, there is no fact to it.  There are so many people that can't have children and would adopt yours in a second but you want to kill it?

I'm finally posting something on politics.  Finally.  It feels so good.


  1. that video gives a great way to argue against abortion. it gives a very interesting perspective
    on both the Holocaust and abortion.

  2. I thought so, they present it so horrifically and compassionately.

  3. Sooooo, Rebekah....

    Will you vote for anyone who advocates abortion? Or pays for abortion? Just wondering...

    Thanks for posting this - it is very powerful and makes a number of excellent points!

    Hope you are enjoying university - I think of you often!

