Sunday, September 11, 2011


10 years ago today the world changed forever.  The Twin Towers fell and so did the old world.  Almost nothing is the same anymore.  There's no safety in the sky, you can't leave your country or bring shampoo.
I don't understand how it's been so long.  It seems like the world has always been like this, but it hasn't.
You get a haunting feeling when you watch a movie that has the towers in them, remembering they aren't there anymore.  Seeing the towers crumble is enough to make me cry.
I was 8 when it happened, in my grade 3 class room.  I heard about it from my the lady who drove me home, she said a plane had hit a building in New York.  I saw it when I got home, I didn't understand.  I was mad because all we watched was CNN and I couldn't watch Zoom.
You've read my rants against the people who believe the government organized the attack conspiracy.  I simply will not tolerate that.  It is crazy.
Our world is completely different now.  The next generation will live in this world, where nothing is as it was.

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