Saturday, July 30, 2011


So I got my MacBook Pro tonight.  It is in a word beautiful.
I love it so much.  I refuse to name it.  I need to get a itunes gift card so I can download solitare, I feel so weird not playing it obsessively.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Today was an extremely eventful day, super hot.  Spent all day picking raspberries, I am now burnt and my legs hurt like all get out.  My neck feels like it's on fire

High lights of the day:
-making a boat load of money
-the best ice capps ever, seriously.  Whole milk makes everything better.
-this:  Thomas, retelling something his cousin Reuben told him "Go get my water bottle, its blue it has a dinosaur sticker on it and it's over there by that tiny fridge."  That tiny fridge was our cooler.
-"Take off your shirt you'll get all the babes" "yup all the Menonite babes"
-talking about camp, and evening snack.
-Church Sports, getting a bunch of Christians together to play a sport, it just amuses me.
-My brownies totally turned out and tasted great.
-Casper trying his hardest not to do work, including lying in his cart and pushing himself along.
-a month to camp!
I made these tonight. Pretty sure they're going to be uh-maz-ing, I don't get to eat them until tomorrow night, much too long of a wait.
Fingers crossed they don't taste like soap.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

These Best Friends just wanted to drop by my blog and tell you that there is 31 days left till camp!

This blogger is way too excited.

I also realized last nigh that when I become a teacher I can't go to camp anymore.  Well that's 6 years way so.  Still makes me sad.

I should start packing, and writing our skit.


I really want to bake, right now.  Yes it's quartre to midnight(well it was when I wrote that.) but I want to so bad.  I guess you shouldn't look at Bakerella at this time at night.  Now I want to start up the ole KitchenAid and bake some stuff.
I don't have one but 2 baking websites in my favourites Bakerella and Joy the Baker.
To tide me over here's some eye candy.
 Cookies and Cream Cupcakes/ Bakerella
 Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies/Bakerella
 Rainier Cherry Brown Betty/Joy the Baker
 Vegan Peach Berry Crumble/Joy the Baker
 Pecan Pie/Bakerella
 Nectarine and Cream Cobbler/Joy the Baker
 Lemon Bars/Bakerella
Blueberry Blackberry Pie/Joy the Baker

Maybe the truth is I want to get a whole bunch of berries and peaches and make cobbler and pie.  That's really what's going on.  I saw a recipe for Peach raspberry pie on the cover of a magazine a couple days ago and now I'm craving it.  I'm going to have to wait a couple of weeks for peak season though, and that is killing me.
For a Straight Edge person I do make a lot of drug references.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why I'm Straight Edge

I decided to become straight edge when I was 14, It was kind of a long complicated process.  Every time I think about it I visualize this back creepy 3rd floor hallway of my high school, no idea why.
So why did I make this choice?  It all comes down to a family I knew back in Moncton.  They had a way too casual outlook at drinking for Christians.  I just wanted to completely distance myself from them, not drinking was one of those ways.
I feel that you can have a good time with out drinking. ( this is making me think of Milly from Freaks and Geeks)  I can find no good reason to drink.  Energy drinks get the same opinion from me.
Straight edge covers no alcohol, no drugs, no smoking, sometimes no sex.
Becoming straight edge was a choice that just made sense to me.  I do realize that I am still under the legal drinking age.  A lot of punk kids will say their straight edge till they turn 19 or 21 but I fully intend to stay until I die.
"I prefer to get high on life." -Milly from Freaks and Geeks
I do have a mild addiction to iced tea though.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jump out of bed turn my swag on

I may have shared this before but this needs to be watched daily. Jimmy Fallon as Neil Young+ Bruce Springsteen= the best video on Youtube.
I hate the song whip your hair it's horrible but this version it is beyond amazing.
I love that Bruce did a 70's version of him, that just adds to the epicness.

exit pig number one

I know a lot of people are freaked out by Christopher Walken. I personally love his voice I think he's hilarious and this is one amazing example.

Bucket list

  So one of my favourite blogs is having a contest, on bucket lists.  This is my Original post from March 2009.  I've been meaning to update mine forever so here it goes.

  1. Fall in love
  2. Have 3-5 biological children
  3. see Springsteen live
  4. sew things to wear
  5. make souffle
  6.  go sky diving
  7. Live in a little cottage
  8. own sheep
  9. Go to Rome with Heather
  10. Go to a Christian music festival
  11. Go to Tulsa Oklahoma
  12. Visit NYC
  13. See a play on Broadway.
  14. Go to the Rockies
  15. adopt a eastern European kids
  16. Cliff dive
  17. Read a huge book in a day
  18. Drive across the country
  19. Be fully sustained for at least a year.
  20. See Breakfast at Tiffany's
  21. own a candy store or a restaurant or Cafe
  22. Learn to play the piano
  23. Go to Ireland
  24. go to Greece
  25. take the train for a great adventure
  26. Learn to drive
  27. drive an electric car
  28. try sushi
  29. Go to all the American cities I want to see.
  30. help plant a forest
  31. Visit the Caribbean
  32. stay up all night talking
  33. be in a play
  34. Read at least one Stephen King novel
  35. see a Montreal vs Toronto game
  36. Go to warped
  37. grow food organically
  38. Own the Born to Run album or a poster of the cover.
  39. See Third Day
  40. Kiss in the rain
  41. make soap
  42. Go to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence Italy
  43. spin yarn
  44. Go to France
  45. Learn to Crochet.
  46. read Lord of the Rings.
  47. see every episode of Friends
  48. try tofu
  49. make at least 10 Martha cookie recipes
  50. Make at least 10 Martha cupcake recipes.
  51. Buy Martha's Pie and Tart book
  52. Make at least 10 Martha pie/tart recipes
  53. surf
  54. take a cruise
  55. go on a zip line
  56. visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
  57. See George live
Hey it worked out to an even 50, win.( but then I added some stuff)

This isn't even close to everything I want to do, it's just when I write lists I always blank out.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Look at me, not blogging.

Friday, July 8, 2011

This ship has sailed.

I have completely fallen off the blogging boat. I am a horrible blogger. I have several posts running through my head but I have written none of them.
Church picnic is tomorrow...that should be fun.
I spent way too much money this week.
But I did but a bunch of stuff for residence next year.
And shoes...that are too big, whoops.
I got Twitter, that should be fun.
But now I am totally feinding for a iPhone.

Friday, July 1, 2011

I know that this isn't very Canadian, but it is brilliant.