Wednesday, October 13, 2010

America the Beautiful

Here's a list of American cities I really really want to visit.

  1. Chicago- to listen to the blues and eat amazing pizza
  2. Minneapolis- because it's epic
  3. San Fransico-to walk  vertically
  4. Boston-Just because, to see the Habs beat the Bruins there.  Throw tea in the harbour.
  5. Tulsa- to meet Pony Boy and Soda, Amy and I have planned a trip
  6. New York City-Because you know you have to go.
  7. Seattle- To listen to some grunge and get soaked
  8. Denver- There's mountains guys
  9. Philadelphia- Becuase I call it Philly, and to see the insanity of the Broad Street Bullies.
  10. Asbury Park- The obvious Springsteen connection..
  11. Richmond, Virginia-  It seem really pretty
  12. Charlotte- Love the name, also really pretty

On  A side note I saw a clip from Beverly Hills 90210 and they bleeped the word faggot.  Really?  We've been reduced to this?  We can have  inappropriate bearing of skin, immense amounts of sin,swearing, taking the Lords name in vain all in the commercials and within the show but they bleep faggot?

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