Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 07

Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you


My Mom, for sure.  I tell her nearly every thing.  And she's my mom you know.  She taught me to read and read to me for hours, which is why I love reading so much.  She raised me as a Christian, She instilled in me a love for God, by setting an example.  She taught me how to bake and cook, another thing I love.  She helps me with my spelling and edits my school work.  She is the enviroment I am a product of.

Lindsey,  She also helps me spell.  I tell her every thing.  She's my pen pal, she used to be my bus buddy.  We've been friends since 6th grade but we met in 5th.  Some how we've survived all this time and I love her just as much now.  We undertsand each other.  We've supported each other through heartbreak and joy.  She's changed me.

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