Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 01

Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

01. this is actaully the best picture that has ever been takin of me
02.  I am very sarcastic, all the time
03. Evan is actually in my hair here.
04.  therefore I speak in fragments.
05.  I can listen to Springsteen and Nevertheless no matter how I am feeling.
06.  History is the best, I'm taking 2 history classes this year, whoot.
07.  I do this like truck horn motion thing when I'm happy or excited...pretty much all the time.
08.  I love my hair, hate my bangs
09.  I can't sleep with the sound of ticking clocks, or with and amount of light.
10.  I love reading
11. I love writing.
12. My favorite animal is a sheep.
13.  I really like having showers, long hot showers, late at night.
14.  I love batman, I have a batman bookbag and lunch bag.
15.  I had a pretty impossible time trying to come up with 15 facts.  I did post 60 facts awhile back.  I also did that random things I don't understand about myself post a month ago..ish

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