Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome to 2010

Hello world wide web, I'm hungry, I'm almost too weak to writ ethis post.  Tons of stuff has happend since the last time I posted, like mainly CHRISTMAS!!  Also the decade ended, I've lived for an entire decade wha? The 10 year aniversary of me breaking my wrist happend.  yup at the tender age of 6 I broke my lef wrist skating, I'm a clumsy kid.
I'm going to change the bacground soon I think, it needs to be done. next time you come by this old place will have a brand new look. Or it may have that new look when you're reading this.
My family got a Wii last week, I'm pretty much a pro at Wii bowling now :)
I went back to school today, not fun.  I had double DOUBLE physics ahhhhh but math first.  I was about to cry I'm sure.  Also I have a math assignement due tomorrow, I was stuck on a question but thankfully some one was able to help be on it.  I'm still a tad stuck.
That's about it for now.
The olympics are a comin'  I'm excited, I can't wait for hockey! I;m just excited for Canada to kick some butt, we all need it, the 2008 summer olympics sucked for us.
Well aren't I a downer.

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