Tuesday, March 31, 2009

bucket list

Yes, I did steal this from Ay-mee. Things I would like to do in my life time.
1.Read the whole Bible
2.see every Johnny Depp movie
3.Fall in love
4.Have something of mine published
5.have my dream wedding
6.Live in Europe
7.Have 3-4 biological children
8.see Springsteen live
9.Read every Jane Austen book
10.sew things to wear
11.Bake an extravagant meal with weird ingredients
12. go sky diving
13.Live in a little cottage
14.own a sheep/a bunch of sheep
15.Go to Rome with Heather
16.Go to a christian music festival
17.Go to Tulsa Oklahoma with Amy
18.Visit NYC
19.Go to the Rockies
20.adopt a Ukrainian kid
21.Cliff dive
22.Read a huge book in a day
23.Drive across the country
24.See Breakfast at Tiffany's
25.make a braided rug
26.become a pharmacist
27.own a pharmacy
28.own a candy store
29.Learn to play the piano
30.Go to Ireland
31.go to Greece
32.take the train for a great adventure
33.drive an electric car
34.try sushi
35.start a thinking/crafting/show off my kids /baking/all three blog
36.help plant a forest
37.Visit the Caribbean
38.Go to Hawaii
39.stay up all night talking
40.be in a play
41.see a Montreal vs Toronto game
42.Go to warped
43.grow food organically
44.Own all the Springsteen albums
45.See Third Day
46.Kiss in the rain
47.illustrate a whole Springsteen song
48.make soap
49.spin yarn
50.Go to New Zealand
51.read Lord of the Rings
52.Cut my hair really short and see how curly it would get.
53.see every episode of Friends
54.try tofu
55.take a cake decorating class
57.take a cruise
58.go on a zip line
59.Read some Shakespeare and see if I actually like it
60.visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
61.fix up an old house

Monday, March 30, 2009

Musical Monday

Born to Run album cover, I couldn't find any good ones with Clarence in it

Bruce Springsteen is my favorite after Third Day. Why might you say, my reply the lyrics. His lyrics tell stories,they captivate, they are some of the best ever written. Need proof go listen to Jungleland, you can almost see the song happening in your head. My dad has always been into Springsteen but I never really cared until about a little under a year ago.
I have never seen him live but the energy show in the DVD we have is enormous, I know this compares nothing to his live performance. Just the way he interacts with the crowd and his band is amazing, while still having raw emotion.
The only album I own is Born To Run, I would love to own the rest but haven't got the funds to do so. Born to Run takes you on a crazy adventure full of characters and their stories. My favorite song on it would be Jungleland but all of the except Meeting Across the River are super.( the reason I don't like MATR is it's boring I know that's weird but I just don't dig it.)
I'm glad i listen to Springsteen, a lot of kids my age listen to the over sung processed stuff they put on the radio, few listen to music they had to be shown or found themselves. But personally I don't want kids my age to listen to Springsteen, they wouldn't grasp it and many just wouldn't like it. I'm very protective of the things I love. I like being different.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


okay so just the thought of cake makes me happy, but then you cover it with candy and make it mini I guess that could be love. Bakerella is the master mind behind these wonderful little things. I plan on making some soon, when I do I'll post pictures of them. I think Im going to make chicks and cupcakes like the ones above. I can't wait :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009


One of my loves: Knitting. I love to knit its fun,pretty easy and relaxing. I like how it doesn't feel like your doing anything but in the end you actually have a product. Sometimes I go into knitting with drawl and have to tear apart the house looking for yarn and needles. Here is my most recent project.

I knit this purse for my best friend Ellen Constants( no that's not her real name) I promised her that I would knit her something if in return she would paint me something. Took me around 2 weeks or so to finish because I don't knit 24/7. I wish I had a good picture of the inside but the picture keeps turning. I lined the inside with Noah's Ark material, there are sheep, whales, the ark and a couple other animals.

P.S. I'm sooooo sorry I haven't posted in a week, I just forget...
P.P.S. Yes I know this screams nerd, I freely take this label. At least I can knit.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Musical Monday

Third Day is probably my favorite band of all time. No matter what else I listen to I always come back to Third Day as my favorite. Third Day is a Christian rock band from Georgia that always has a great message behind their music plus they are just really fun.
My favorite songs would be: Blackbird, When the Rain Comes, 40 Days, Show Me Your Glory, Thief, Consuming Fire and like a bazillion more
P.s sorry I haven't posted in like forever I was away, busy and lazy but ill try and post all this week.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Oh for the love of smoothies

Today I made an amazing smoothie(I love smoothies in general and absolutely love Orange Julius)
the ingredients, Milk, summer fruit( Strawberries, peaches, pineapple, grapes.) apple sauce, and vanilla yogurt. A top our old extremly small wheat colored freezer
The marvelous finished product.

it was completely frothy and delicious, smooth of course and just plain amazing. sadly we have no yogurt or fruit left so I can't make another one. Still I love smoothies and when I have the stuff try to make one. Its fun its easy and they taste super.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Arizona Iced Tea, is the best thing I have ever drank. I live in Canada so we only get 4 flavors . I like the Green Tea with Ginseng and honey the best but the red apple isn't too bad. The can is 3 times the size of a normal can of pop and its only 94 cents at Walmart, amazing deal.

Friday, March 13, 2009

And Today...

Criminal Minds, My favorite TV show. I stumbled over it one night but now I love it. I like how the crimes aren't over blown and all about the guy solving it, and the work as a team. Sure C.S.I is great but the life stories of the people play to much affect on the show. I used to watch C.S.I: Miami but then Horatio's son showed up and like 20 episodes were about him.
I don't really have a favourite character because none of then have any hardcore background that makes you not like them. But I do love Garcia she's amazing. Okay and Spencer Reid may well be the best looking profilers ever.
Another thing I like is you almost always know who the killer is and just have to wait for them to link up the clues. On C.S.I you do know from time to time but usually that only when they are trying to find the serial killer that has haunted them through the whole season. Because you know this you don't have to go " Oh it might be him, he seems guilty."
One of the best shows on TV in my opinion.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Mix and match robot cupcakes

CUPCAKES! The oh so cute package of goodness. Come on its mini cake, the words just say it all. You can amke them look like cartoon characters or just pile on a ton of icing. Yes sometimes cupcakes can go a muck just vist cake wrecks if you need to see it first hand. I just love them. They're cute and you can eat them, they don't make you feel as guilty as a huge piece of cake either. Cupcakes after after brownies may be the best dessert on the planet, but I will accept donations of dessert trying to prove me wrong.

I think the root beer/chocolate milk one is utterly amazing.
Mario Cupcakes... I have never played mario but still these are awesome the mushrooms are really adorable.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

today I like.....


I love rubber boots I like to call them wellies it makes me feel British. I don't own a pair though :( I keep meaning to buy some but my size is always sold out in the patterns I love, or they just have crappy patterns. Plus I live in Canada so I can't even order from Target who always has freakin awesome patterns.
I just like the look of rubber boots they just look cool. I may wear them at my wedding, short dress with wellies very cool. They come in plenty of insane colors and patters so you could pretty much match them with anything. I am so going to go bankrupt from buying wellies.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I came up with this great concept, share one of the things you love with the world each day. so here it goes. I will try and write each day but if for some inexplicable reason I can't I'm very sorry.
Every Monday will be musical Monday and the item of the day will be one of my favorite bands, artists or songs.
Friday might be food Friday but I haven't made up my mind yet.
Wednesday will be web Wednesday and will be a favorite website or blog
I wish I had some great craft or baking skill but I don't so this may appear to be boring to a few people out there.
well this was a bit of rant, I apologize quite a lot come on I'm Canadian.
First like will be posted tomorrow.