Thursday, June 14, 2012

I have these 2 videos saved to my computer as "for extreme depression" and "for even more extreme depression"  these 2 videos never cease to make me laugh uncontrollably. 

Jay and Dan are my favourite thing on TV.  I used to not like Jay, this goes back to the 2010 Olympics, he cohosted the morning show, and he used the word "Redonculous"  and I was like, "hold up you can't say that on national TV, who the hey is this guy?"  So from then I couldn't stand him.  Then I started to watch him more, with Dan, in his element and I decide Jay is actually hilarious.   Anyway there's a youtube channel that posts all their shenanigans from Sports Centre, and truthfully I waste way too much time watching that channel.   My family has decided I'm insane because I'm sitting watching 2 grown me throw confetti around and dance.  My favourite part of the videos are Americans commenting "I wish American Sports Center was this good" Just proof that Canada is the best country in the world.

I can't even think of a title for this post, everything I'm thinking of is some ridiculous line they've said that would probably scare people from my blog forever.

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