Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fish, fur, railroad, Canadian history in 3 seconds.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Talking Pictures

I was watching this video and suddenly a thought hit me.  This thought was, future generations are not going to be able to do this with my generation, there's not going to be pictures of my generation left behind.  Digital photography has taken over, there are vast stores of pictures filed away on computers but no physical pictures on paper that you can hold.  My parents are huge photographers, we have thousands of pictures and dozens of photo albums, but when Josiah was about 3 and I was 10 the photo albums stop.  Josiah says, "You only have pictures of me as a baby." In the future are hipsters going to be resurrecting old hard drives to find the pictures we leave behind?  Or are there just going to be so many pictures that they bear no emotional value?

I have these 2 videos saved to my computer as "for extreme depression" and "for even more extreme depression"  these 2 videos never cease to make me laugh uncontrollably. 

Jay and Dan are my favourite thing on TV.  I used to not like Jay, this goes back to the 2010 Olympics, he cohosted the morning show, and he used the word "Redonculous"  and I was like, "hold up you can't say that on national TV, who the hey is this guy?"  So from then I couldn't stand him.  Then I started to watch him more, with Dan, in his element and I decide Jay is actually hilarious.   Anyway there's a youtube channel that posts all their shenanigans from Sports Centre, and truthfully I waste way too much time watching that channel.   My family has decided I'm insane because I'm sitting watching 2 grown me throw confetti around and dance.  My favourite part of the videos are Americans commenting "I wish American Sports Center was this good" Just proof that Canada is the best country in the world.

I can't even think of a title for this post, everything I'm thinking of is some ridiculous line they've said that would probably scare people from my blog forever.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

We asked nicely

Fun Canadian history stories:
We tried to have a fight for our independence but everyone got too drunk. They began organizing in a pub, they then set out from the pub going down the road very rowdy a couple shots were fired, stopped, went to another pub and got drunk instead of fighting.
Our confederation almost didn’t happen because the Circus was in town.
We burnt the White House down, and that is why it’s white.
We waited a week to join WWII because we wanted to prove we were independent from Britain.

All the Kings men, couldn't have picked this team

The LA Kings have won the Stanley Cup, if you had told any hockey fan at the beginning of the season that the Kings would win it all they would have laughed, to death.
I was cheering for the Devils, because Marty Brodeur is the best goalie that has ever lived, and because the Kings knocked the Canucks out in the first round. (I'm a bitter person)  It is nice for a first time team to win the cup (last time the Kings made it to the final they lost to Montreal, I was 6 days old)  and I like Drew Doughty a lot because he was part of the 2010 gold medal team.(fun fact: Drew was the first person to reach Crosby after he scored the Golden Goal) I held back cheering for the Devils a bit more because Zach Parise was the one who tied up the gold medal game.
So the Kings have done it.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hey Prince Charles we don't really like you, and we miss Diana but we planted you this tree

I am decidedly anti-monarchy, so every time I write about the English Royal family I'm extremely biased.
England is in shambles right now, the whole global economy is in havoc right now.  England has decided to show off all their grandeur.
Last year they had the Wedding
This year the Jubilee and the Olympics are happening.
I do understand that all of these events were organized before the European economy decided to fall apart.
But then Camila and Prince Charles came to Canada.  Was this visit necessary?  No, no one cares about Charles and Camila.  So why do Britain and Canada have to spend money on something absolutely no one cared about?  The amount of effort and money the Canadian government put into paying for this tour, it just made no sense.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

"I want that"

In honour of my previous post about favourite literary families here is my favourite real life family that I am a part of.
To answer all the questions you have, yes my family is crazy.

Alternate titles to this post:
-"I like her bangs"
-"Would you like to look like this?"
-"I like your sleeves"
-"I love you, I love you, I love you!!"

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"I never can wish you a greater happiness than this!"

I read a lot, though not as much as I would like anymore.  In my various journeys through the literary world I have come to know many literary families.
Warning, extremely heavy spoilers ahead.

I have a hard time picking my favourite family though, it would ultimately comes down to the Marchs from Little Women or the Weasleys from the Harry Potter series.

The Marchs make me feel warm inside.  They're almost too perfect.  A family of strong loving sisters who almost have no faults.  And the parents are amazing.  I think the thing I like about the March family is how they only have each other.  The March family relies completely on each other, the girls spend hours putting on Jo's plays and pretending to be the Pickwick Society.  The Marchs are also a very giving family, willing to sacrifice for others.  Mr. March goes to Chaplain in the American Civil war, Jo cuts her hair (her one beauty) so that Marmie can go tend to the girls ill Father, Beth's compassion eventually leads to her death.  You read the Marchs for several years through joy, love pain loss and the courses of their lives.

The Weasleys, the Weasleys also make me feel warm inside.  Ron is the best literary best friend ever written.  Arthur and Molly Weasley are amazing.  Molly does everything out of love.   Her love of her children and Harry give her strength.  Arthur Weasley is portrayed as a bumbling idiot in the movies (the movies do the books no justice) but in the books he's just a person with a good sense of humour and an obsession with the Muggle world, he is actually very strong.  The Weasleys become some of the prominent fighters in the war against Voldemort, each lending something to the stopping of this evil.  The Weasleys take in Harry as one of their own, Ron becoming his best friend, Ginny becoming his wife and Molly and Arthur his parents.  The Weasleys become Harry's family.  The Weasleys become your family, in the 1st book you meet Ron and grow to love him in the second you meet nearly all the rest of his family and grow to love them (except Percy) and then by the 7th book you feel as much Weasley as Harry is.

I would rather be a March than a Weasley though, I'm not exactly sure why but I just think I would fit in better with the March family.  Also, come on who doesn't want to be related to Professor Behr and Laurie?

I have other favourite families too.
The Dashwoods  Sense and Sensibility.  Although this might just be because I am Eleanor Dashwood.
The Bennets Pride and Prejudice.  I think there might be an international law that says the Bennets have to be included in every list of literary families.  I like Lizzie and Jane but can't stand the rest of the family, which is exactly how Jane Austen wanted you to feel while reading Pride and Prejudice.  Can I just take a small side trip right now? ( I write this blog so I'm just going to do it)  Okay, so Jane Austen wrote a character named Jane, how is this allowed.  I get it Jane was a popular name in the early 19th century, but it's your name did you really have to name your character that?

The Nolans from my favourite book, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, are not included in this list.  Why?  The Nolans are kind of horrible.  Johnny drinks himself to death, Katie picks favourites out of her children and visibly shows this.  There is hardly any love shown with in this family.  I just feel cold when I read this family.  There are small pockets of love, but the Nolans do not give off a warm fuzzy feeling.

(You have no idea how hard it was to figure out the proper pluralization of the family names)