Friday, March 2, 2012

Life is Sacred

I often see signs or hear people say, "I believe in preserving life" this is almost always in the context of abortion.  I believe this too but in every aspect of life.  I am very clearly antiabortion.  It often seems that some people get so wrapped up in apposing abortion that they forget about human life in general.  There are genocides, and hidden wars happening all over this planet but nothing is being done to stop them.  Why will you fight for the life of a child but not the life of a woman or a man in another country? Both of them are equally as human, both as equally alive.
I used to be like this, when I learned about the genocide in Darfur Sudan all I could think of is, we can save these peoples lives but we can't save them from hell.  It's the same for abortion, if you save a child from abortion there is no guarantee that they will be raised as a Christian.  But you are still saving human life.  A sacred God created life.  It does not matter if the person is an unborn child or a 77 year old, they're still a human.
All human life is equal, sometimes people forget that.

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