Thursday, December 29, 2011

A post in which the author of this blog tells a random untrue story about the gold medal game

Looking at this picture I decided some type of write up must be written about it.
Joe Thornton is all like, oh what’s that? A guy with a Canadian flag..  That’s exciting!  
Pronger…I am the giant king, look at me.  I’m a giant.
Eric Staal.  I’m perfect I’m jut going to clap like the polite amazing person I am.
Ryan Getzlaf  I am so thirsty I will just stand here and drink like the gold winning pro I am.
Dan Boyle, I am in awe of the giant power that is Pronger and the polite amazingness that is Eric Staal I will look at my skates now.  I am also thinking about how I just won gold in my home country and how I'm from the best country in the world.  Dan Boyle has a lot of internal conflict...

That's what was going on.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I hope every one had an amazing Christmas.!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

O Hossa Night!

Merry Christmas from me, and the Blackhawks.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Things Rebekah is Happy about:
1.  Christmas is in 8 days
2.  Jacques Martin the Coach of the Habs got fired today.
3.  Christmas is in 8 days.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I feel like I should write about homeschooling again.  I'm in  a "hot state" as it's called in psychology I'm angry because that one vocal group of pro-homeschoolers is talking about it and that makes me really angry.  I'm not going to, unless I calm down.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

"So when this song is done can we go back to Mean?"

Listening to the Camp CD right now.  It makes me feel incredibly happy.

You won't guess what song came on right after I published this post.  Mean.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Just watch this, he cracks me up. We actually have the most amazing goalie in the league.


So the NHL has decided to go insane this year.  I am not impressed.  So many coaches moved. The new insane realignment, which I don't understand in the least.

Last night was crazy.  All my teams lost.  The realignment.  What is up?
Here is a picture of how the new Conferences will work:

See that Florida island at the bottom?  How does that make anything easier.  Wouldn't it work better if Florida played Carolina and Nashville?  Gary Bettman....We are even more not friends anymore.  The thing that does make this good is that there is more Toronto/Montreal and Boston/ Montreal games.
And a Staal division.  Seeing the Staals play against each other is always exciting.

I'm holding on that when I get back from my exam tonight Montreal will have won, because we're playing Columbus, and if we don't win I will cry, and Pacioretty our top scorer is back.  And Louis Leblanc the newest guy we've called up from the AHL is playing at home for the first time.

I would consider moving to Quebec just so I could see more Montreal games on TV.  Only for that.

I blog about hockey too much.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Man, they have a John Knox shirt.

Tell me you wouldn't like these.  I don't even drink but I would drink juice like a pro out of the Calvin one.  If you so wish you can buy these and other super cool Reformed stuff here.
Can I get one of the Five Solas shirts and everyone can cheat off of me at Reformation night?
Really everything on that site is amazing.
So one of the essay options on my history exam was the spread of Christianity.  Totally rocked that one.  I even quoted the Bible.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

I will be in my history final in 11 hours.  AHHHHHHH