Thursday, September 29, 2011

Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash are hands down my favourite celebrity couple. 
They were so adorable.  and so incredibly in love, so much that Johnny died of a broken heart.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Changing our ways.

This video is graphic.  It is also fairly long

This video made me weep.
I've always dismissed abortion is like the holocaust argument because I've always heard it presented as an after thought.  Like one person will say "Hitler killed 6 million Jews" and the other will say "yah but we've killed millions through abortion"  I always felt it cheapened the horrible deaths of those innocent people(and the way people tacked it on at the end does cheapen it like they're trying to show it up.), like they didn't matter because we kill babies.  Every human life matters, very single one.  Though the hatred I have for Hitler and Stalin makes me deny this.
This video presents this argument in way that makes sense, that makes you feel true empathy.  It changed me, and I've been set against the holocaust and abortion for my entire life.  They present it effectively and empathetically, not make any crime lesser than the other.
One third of my generation is dead because of abortion.  It's incredibly sad.  The whole argument for abortion doesn't even make sense, there is no fact to it.  There are so many people that can't have children and would adopt yours in a second but you want to kill it?

I'm finally posting something on politics.  Finally.  It feels so good.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The great moose

This is pretty amazing, and hilarious

Saturday, September 24, 2011

This songs makes me cry, a lot.

Friday, September 23, 2011

"The people in the senate are all old people with no friends"-what we decided in my Poli Sci discussion group.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

“Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.”-Sophia Loren.
It's her birthday today, she's 77 and still as beautiful as she was 50 years ago.  Amazing.  

apparently I have been very boring lately.  I apologize.  All I do lately is read, I'm reading for my history class right now.  I will pick up blogging soon, I don't really have anything to say right now but I will soon. I have a history post sitting in the back of my mind, I have to do a camp post too, I'll do that when I'm home over the weekend.

Monday, September 19, 2011


This is an award show rant.

Though I love all award shows, I hate the emmy's.  Really could you for like one award give i to the right deserving person or show?  NBC is completely snubbed, everyone knows it.  Out of the 6 niminations forBest Supporting Actor in a comedy 4 are from Modern family, no Parks and Rec, no Community, no Office.  Doesn't make sense. I don't understand why everyone loves Modern family so much, really?  Even 30 rock is funnier.  Also Friday Night Lights didn't win,  how do you pick these winners?  But Coach Eric Taylor won, so that is wonderful!!!!!  One thing makes sense for these awards.  But Mrs. Taylor didn't win?    Also Community had no nominations, the funniest show on TV right now, got nothing .I do not understand.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Plan A

"I bought the boat tickets the day I saw that YouTube video. I knew we'd need a backup plan. The boat was actually plan C. The church was plan B. And plan A was marring her a long, long time ago. Pretty much the day I met her."- Jim Halpert, the American Office.

That quote, and that episode kills me everytime. Jim and Pam are my favourite TV couple hands down. April and Andy's wedding from Parks and Rec's did give them a run for their money, but they still lost..
I'm done gushing now.


You know those great Historical gatherings of people?  The ones when your like, to see that, that would have been amazing?  Like Young Street in Toronto in the 60's Neil Young and Joni Mitchell and all of them.  Or the McMaster production of Godspell, with Marty Short and Andrea Martin and Eugene Levy.  SCTV, with John Candy and Catherine O'Hara and Marty Short and Eugene Levy, and Dan Akroyd ...really how do these things happen?  Saturday Night live with Chris Rock and Chris Farley and Adam Sandler and David Spade. This mass groups of people, it's just insane.  It doesn't seem to happen anymore, but we can't see the future.  I guess this is why I love ensemble shows and movies so much, I love them.  Even the Bad ones.  I watched Brothers and Sister for a long time ( a bit, I watched it a bit) just because Sally Fields was in it and a bunch of other people, like Harrison Fords woman, and Rob Lowe, that might have been truthfully why I watched it.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


10 years ago today the world changed forever.  The Twin Towers fell and so did the old world.  Almost nothing is the same anymore.  There's no safety in the sky, you can't leave your country or bring shampoo.
I don't understand how it's been so long.  It seems like the world has always been like this, but it hasn't.
You get a haunting feeling when you watch a movie that has the towers in them, remembering they aren't there anymore.  Seeing the towers crumble is enough to make me cry.
I was 8 when it happened, in my grade 3 class room.  I heard about it from my the lady who drove me home, she said a plane had hit a building in New York.  I saw it when I got home, I didn't understand.  I was mad because all we watched was CNN and I couldn't watch Zoom.
You've read my rants against the people who believe the government organized the attack conspiracy.  I simply will not tolerate that.  It is crazy.
Our world is completely different now.  The next generation will live in this world, where nothing is as it was.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My first class of university is in an hour.  I am freaking out.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Either Facebook is freaking out or Acadia hates Facebook, I'm not really sure.

Monday, September 5, 2011

I am moving into my residence today!!!!  I am so excited.  I don't think I am fully recouped from cap yet but.... I am really excited.
More blog posts to come in the days following on moving and CAMP!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I have returned from camp.  I am exhausted, emotionally and physically.  I am supposed to move into my residence tonight but I can' deal with that emotional stress right now.  I can not deal with yelling right now. I will have a full scale camp post up eventually I have no pictures yet but I will soon.
Camp this year was amazing.  Uh-maze-ing!