Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Canadian Life

I don't understand these comments, I used to get all of  these random comments full of boxes, so I switched to monitoring my comments, thinking that would cut down, which it didn't, who are these people and why do you have no-existant blogs AND comments?  I'm going to get a lot of these boxy comments on this post.

I started picking strawberries today..I pretty much hate it, but it results in money and I get to have 5 hours jam/dance sessions in a strawberry feild.  Rosalita came on today so I cranked it and started oddly half dancing, it was fun.

I'm done school now, I didn't do half bad.  I got a medal for my super skillzz in Food Science.  I'm pretty proud of it. I get medals for the super duper easy courses taht I barely try in but get extremly high marks...

Tomorrow is Canada Day.  When it comes to the founding of a nation Canada is extremly boring.  We had no crazy wars or murderings.  The craziest we get is that John A. Macdonald was a drunk and that the circus was in town during the Charlottetown conference, which half of the country wasn't supposed to be at.  There was also a semi rebelion in Lower Canada back in the day, but everyone got drunk( very Canadian) before the stormed on Ottawa and the British troops kept them away fairly easily.  We also have Mackenzie King..stange man, didn't help found the countrybut he was a racists, cross dresser, talked to his dead mother through his dead cat...
Canada I find isn't quite as patiotic as the US, by which I mean we're not as in your face or loud about how much we love our country.  It's like we all know how we feel so we don't have to go overboard. Also around Canada Day there's no hockey, the Cup play offs are over the new season hasn't begun, we can't be all united and together on that front.  I think that there should be a big international Hockey comepetition over Canada Day, thus we will all come together and cheer and drink whilist rioting against a common American hockey force.  We as Candian actually need no excuse to party..especially out here in the Maritimes.  Canada Day just serves as a cover story as to why you painted yourself red, or your goat or why the lawn caught on fire, or why you're drinking. 
I love my coutry so incrediably much...I'm going to have to write about Canada soon.

I'm missing the first two days of school to go work at God Camp...YAY, missing two days of Pre Cal.  I like that I get to work at Camp this year, but I'm a little shaky on missing the first couple days.  I know you don't do much but you do at the same time.  What am I supposed to say to my teachers, ya I was iresponsible and kind of um, well didn't come these first few days cause I was working at a camp..pillow fighting and such.... I'm so involved in my education...

I've got to go to bed.  I'm going to read Gordan Korman, probably  my most favourite Canadian author.  I think I'm also going to listen to either FM Static or Hawk Nelson, some of my favourite Canadian bands of whom I own CDs.
Have a Wonderful Canada Day, Eh?

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