Friday, January 29, 2010

Smellements and snow

Hello, it's a snow day
Well I have this week off but anyways, it actually isn't a snow day, its hadcore snowing. But because our school board didn't want to look bad, and because it's exam week they kept the schools open but then sent the kids home early. My brother was home before I woke up
I found this on Natalie dee today. It was actually posted a couple days ago but I only found it now.  Just follow this link. I find it super funny because I'm a nerd and laugh at anything science related.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What!? Really!? wow she's shallow

I'm reading Ruffled, I love it.  I read it often.
I'm also outraged, I am.  Last week I found out that Celine Dion donated 5 hundred-thousand to Haiti.  Yay you say! not YAY, boo.. Celine Dione made 742 million this past decade, I'm pretty sure, it was around there.  I did some fast math( it really wasn't all that fast) and figured out that  she donated 0.067% of her total income, yes less than one tenth of one percent!( this is just this decade too, remeber that movie Titanic, with that wailing song? Ya? well that paycheck isn't even counted here)  If she had given 1 million dollars she would have donated 0.13% still less that 1 percent.  This is insane!  Rich people are crying give, give, but they themselves do practicaly nothing( except John Travolta,who flew there yesterday, but he's creepy)
So if you had a hundred dollars and you gave 10 cents you techically gave more than Celine Dion, and in Canada that would be doubled so you gave 20 cents way more than her for sure.

I'm all done my exams YAY!
I had four over a 2 day period, it was kind of brutal.
I don't have to go back until tuesday, I'm sooooo excited

( I'm probably going to be put in jail for treson because of this post)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Michelina's lie


At the moment.
(Yes I totally stole this from you Samarah)

I promise I will write a "real" post very soon, I have two musical one in the works at the moment that I will write soon.

Wearing: Teal West Forty -Nine shirt, no socks, and red,white,and pink polka-dot PJ pants.
Looking at: the screen, okay so actually the keyboard because I have to look at it to type( those keyborading classes did nothing for me)

Thinking about: How I will have a Physics test tomorrow...YAY( p.s that was sarcastic)

Listening to: My brother attempting to use the phone( it's hilarious)

Learned recently: that Michelina lies about their cooking times

Wishing: that exams were exempt

Missing: Moncton

Talking to: my siblings

Eating: nothing just had some fettuccine alfredo

Watching: nothing.

Drinking: water

Smelling: fettuccine alfredo

Waiting for: Tonight, for Bones and the Office
Oh my mom bought me and Office calander yesterday, it rocks, I read all of it today, I was fun, it was a fun time.  Samarah just relized that on our speaker it looks like pacman is spitting out the sound.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

imagine a goat, riding ON a smurf!

"This is a model scale of our plan.... except for the Huge GOAT... that would be just terrifying"- Brent Leroy, Corner Gas
A friend of mine just sent me that quote, we have a HUGE inside joke about goats, Romans, smurfs, fireflies and a host of other things, revolving around Clive Owens.
The root of this came to be in the early hours of New Years Day 2008.  That's pretty much all I'm gonna say. 
It has become a outlet and release for us since then.  I love getting random little messages from her hinting at it.  It makes me feel special.
So to all of you in the web world enjoy a falcon burger, look out for  romans, and goats :)
Yes this is for you Heather.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome to 2010

Hello world wide web, I'm hungry, I'm almost too weak to writ ethis post.  Tons of stuff has happend since the last time I posted, like mainly CHRISTMAS!!  Also the decade ended, I've lived for an entire decade wha? The 10 year aniversary of me breaking my wrist happend.  yup at the tender age of 6 I broke my lef wrist skating, I'm a clumsy kid.
I'm going to change the bacground soon I think, it needs to be done. next time you come by this old place will have a brand new look. Or it may have that new look when you're reading this.
My family got a Wii last week, I'm pretty much a pro at Wii bowling now :)
I went back to school today, not fun.  I had double DOUBLE physics ahhhhh but math first.  I was about to cry I'm sure.  Also I have a math assignement due tomorrow, I was stuck on a question but thankfully some one was able to help be on it.  I'm still a tad stuck.
That's about it for now.
The olympics are a comin'  I'm excited, I can't wait for hockey! I;m just excited for Canada to kick some butt, we all need it, the 2008 summer olympics sucked for us.
Well aren't I a downer.