Sunday, November 18, 2012

A post containing way too may fragments in brackets

Okay so here's my excuse for not blogging,  I'm back at school.  No not university, no not Gillespie, but culinary school.  It's been crazy.
So here's how it happened.  Last Christmas I forced my family to watch episodes Jamie Oliver's Christmas special for like 5 hours (and the Juniors)  and with that I kept saying, I really should just quit school and cook.  Last April after midterms and my psych class driving me psychotic I decided to apply for Culinary Arts at NSCC.  I was told I would be on a 4 year wait list.  I then had to decide what to do until I was accepted, and I couldn't figure it out. The Monday of camp I was making my bed and recived a call from my dad, he told me NSCC had called and I was accepted into the program starting the next Wednesday.  I liked Acadia, I love history and politics and all of that but, overall my university experience kind of sucked.  I hated getting up early to hike to my English class and taking German and Psych.  Now I have class everyday at 8:30 and I don't dread getting out of bed. ( I still love to sleep and goodness at 6:51 in the morning flannel is the best feeling in the world but...)  I have 2 teachers's who know exactly who I am.  (okay, so occasionally one of them can't remember my name and calls me Mademoiselle) I don't have to write my student ID number on anything, ever.
I am now 3 months into the program and I adore it.  Of course it stresses me out to no end, but it's a different kind of stress, almost a nice kind of stress.  And I'm saying this after a week of scrubbing dishes every day.
 It's crazy that this time last year I was trying to drill the parts of the brain and their function and millions of German words into my head and this year I have to know different types of soup and the 5 mother sauces.
Does this justify a 2 month hiatus?

I have been spending a lot of time listening to Jay and Dan while I study.

Christmas music started a month ago with me, but this week marked the official start of it.
I would set up my Christmas tree but we're moving in 18 or so days.  I think I'll be able to survive.

p.s  I need to write a camp post

1 comment:

  1. A two and half month old most recent post??????

    See you in less than two weeks :)
