Here is a collection of my favourites
This happens practically every single day for me. I hardly think a day goes by with out a mention of camp. I know for a fact no Sunday goes by without it.
Industrial dishwashers just make everything better. And you may be rewarded with the chocolate milk bag. It's impossible for counsellors because we can't make doing the dishes punishment, unless it's sausage breakfast day.
It was a particularly intense game of Capture the Flag.
Samarah saw this one and she just said, "This is Kaitlyn"
I wrote a whole skit based on this fact. It's now 9 days until camp.
Bonus post from Camp Counselor moments. Because really, this happens every single meal.
p.p.s I sat here trying to think of a wonderful title for this post and I am completely stumped. Leave a better title in the comments.
These are so legit it is driving me crazy.