Wednesday, May 23, 2012

An update in the vaguest sense of the word

I have so many posts I want to write bouncing around in my head.  I come here and I open a new post window and then I just sit there and can't put the random bits into proper sentences.  Though I never write in proper sentences.  It's not really that, I just don't have any full ideas formed.  I think of one thing but then when I attempt to write, it sounds full on offensive.   It's not working out.
I should just write everything down, and then leave it and then come back and edit it into some kind of cohesive jumble.  (Maybe I'll do that)
I just thought that the 1.42 people that read this blog would like some kind of post. (yes that was a scientific number, .19 come here by accident, and about 99% of the traffic comes from a picture of the Original Ocean's 11.  I can credit my blogs traffic to Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin.)
I'm just going to leave this now.
Well, that's wonderful, I started every "paragraph" with "I"

1 comment:

  1. Hey we're here. (The royal we because " " don't want to say " ".)
    You should write it down, and then come back and edit.
