Saturday, May 26, 2012

I am the Prince of Wales Trophy

I'm not allowed to pick Stanley Cup Winners anymore.
Last year pick Vancouver in October, they make it to the final and lost.
This year pick Vancouver again, knocked out the first round.
Pick New York Rangers in October, make it to conference final then eliminated.

This season was horrible.

So now I'm cheering for Marty Brodeur to get his 4th Stanley cup at the age of 40.  (even though I don't like the Devils, Marty's the best and he deserves to win the cup every single year)

(the Prince of Wales trophy is presented to the Eastern Conference winner, and most guys when they win it refuse to touch it because they think it's bad luck)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

An update in the vaguest sense of the word

I have so many posts I want to write bouncing around in my head.  I come here and I open a new post window and then I just sit there and can't put the random bits into proper sentences.  Though I never write in proper sentences.  It's not really that, I just don't have any full ideas formed.  I think of one thing but then when I attempt to write, it sounds full on offensive.   It's not working out.
I should just write everything down, and then leave it and then come back and edit it into some kind of cohesive jumble.  (Maybe I'll do that)
I just thought that the 1.42 people that read this blog would like some kind of post. (yes that was a scientific number, .19 come here by accident, and about 99% of the traffic comes from a picture of the Original Ocean's 11.  I can credit my blogs traffic to Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin.)
I'm just going to leave this now.
Well, that's wonderful, I started every "paragraph" with "I"

Friday, May 11, 2012

Summer Reading List

  • The Game- Ken Dryden
  • In Retrospect- Robert McNamara
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray- Oscar Wilde
  • Nicholas Nickleby- Dickens
  • Oliver Twist- Dickens
  • David Copperfield- Dickens
  • A Tree Grows in Brooklyn- Betty Smith (for the 3rd time, I've only read my favourite book 2 times.)
  • Little Women- Louisa May Alcott
  • Northanger Abbey- Jane Austen (yup I still haven't finished it.)
  • Clapton- Eric Clapton (I started this book the summer before grade 9 and I still haven't finished it...)
  • There's also some new Artemis Fowel books, so I'm going to try and get those in.
  • Seinlanguage- Jerry Seinfeld (it makes me laugh uncontrollably)
I'd love to reread the Harry Potter series, but clearly that's not going to happen.