Tuesday, April 27, 2010

History in Motion

I love my History class, I really do.  And here's why...
-One of my friends is in it,
-We talk about feildberries..what they are and how they do not exist.
-My teacher is starting a rap crew..DJ Tweed, MC Ginger, Lil'Prid and Da'Beard..they are The Indoctrinators.
-It's tweed week( meaning my teacher is wearing tweed every day)
-We actually learn stuff that matters, not some coughed up crap.
-May Poles
-All Pirates have parrots, eye-patches and wooden legs
-"Hitler was German and killed many people because he was short and fat and couldn't grow a full mustache so he was grumpy all the time."  The worst Thesis statement ever.
-France is not in the middle of the pacific
-The teething stories
-Mackenzie King Jokes
-American Jokes
-This picture

We freaked out about how the fries were only 50 cents..thus this comment came to be," Yes ignore this(Motions to french being crossed out) Ignore this( We support you mister president) FIFTY CENTS!!!!!!!!!!! You probably only get 4 fries"..I replied with, "but they're 50 cents..I need to find me this place."
-My teacher in general, he's fantastic.

Yes, this was mainly a post for my own enjoyment

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