Friday, April 30, 2010


..And not of the Canadian economy
I've discoverd somethng about myself.  I actually kind of knew it but it came to light last night.  A friend wants to borrow some CD's from us.  Samarah had a CD in the pile which I couldn't be parted with.  She wanted me to add another CD to make up for it.  After like 4 trips to my room to try and find one I couldn't anything.  Then it clicked, I'm extremly protective of my music, I want it to be mine and only mine.  I live in a world were myself and like 2 other people listen to my bands.  All I had left by the way was some crazy screamo stuff which her parents wouldn't overly dig (some songs had titles like Your Demon, We kill at Twilight, Self Dustruct and Die, which all make sense in the context and aren't bad songs)...nor do I really want her to listen to thing.  You know you don't really feel like letting someone else listen to your music because you are so emotionally invested in it. They feel like your best friend kind of thing.  You know how you felt when you listened to it and that's your emotion that goes with it.
I'm a big beleiver in emotional music, I think you have to make choices between what you like and don't like listen to the lyrics, the music.  People who listen to top 40 because it's what's popular and then forget about the song after a few months annoy me.  You need to go out and find good music, really you do.  Yes my very favourite music was given to me, Clapton, Springsteen all my old school Christian rock loves, by my parents, I grew up on it.  I will share them with my children but not with anyone. I don't want anyone coming up to me and discussing what I love, or dissing what I love. 
I've created my music catologue, it's an odd mix for sure and I love it, no one else can have it (so if i suggest and band to you it means I love and trust you :)
Yes I know I sound very selfish...I'm protective okay.
yes I do like popular music, Hedley, Owl City (stuff besides Fireflies..get over that song guys, I do hate Hello Seattle though) I'm starting to like the Black Eyed Peas, Taylor Swift.  I decided I like them not because I wasa told to but because I chose to...if that makes sense.
Oh and p.s. Ryan Gosling you are gorgeous.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

History in Motion

I love my History class, I really do.  And here's why...
-One of my friends is in it,
-We talk about feildberries..what they are and how they do not exist.
-My teacher is starting a rap crew..DJ Tweed, MC Ginger, Lil'Prid and Da'Beard..they are The Indoctrinators.
-It's tweed week( meaning my teacher is wearing tweed every day)
-We actually learn stuff that matters, not some coughed up crap.
-May Poles
-All Pirates have parrots, eye-patches and wooden legs
-"Hitler was German and killed many people because he was short and fat and couldn't grow a full mustache so he was grumpy all the time."  The worst Thesis statement ever.
-France is not in the middle of the pacific
-The teething stories
-Mackenzie King Jokes
-American Jokes
-This picture

We freaked out about how the fries were only 50 cents..thus this comment came to be," Yes ignore this(Motions to french being crossed out) Ignore this( We support you mister president) FIFTY CENTS!!!!!!!!!!! You probably only get 4 fries"..I replied with, "but they're 50 cents..I need to find me this place."
-My teacher in general, he's fantastic.

Yes, this was mainly a post for my own enjoyment