Thursday, July 30, 2009


People of the blog world..okay the 4 people who actually read this, I have a confession..okay not really a confession because 3 out of 4 people who read this blog already know this...-drum roll- I'm OBSESSED with weddings. Every single aspect of it( mostly the dress and cake, and music but pretty much everything) I am I really am. I even creep The Knot, Wedding Bee, Vintage Glam wedding Blog, and Off Beat Bride, I do. I don't even post on them but I silently lurk. I tricked The Knot saying I'm marrying a John Doe in like 4 years..aren't I cool? Now you all know.
I do have my wedding planned, completely, just got to find the groom.
I should send out tentative Save the Dates.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Three names I go by (besides given name)
1. Bekah
2. Beks
3. Boo
Three Jobs I have had in my life
1. Wheaton's bag girl
2. Wheaton's crazy receiving girl
3. Random charity work

Three Places I have lived
1. Southern Atlantic Canada
2. Closer to the ocean Atlantic Canada
3. Slightly northerner Atlantic Canada

Three Favorite drinks
1. Arizona Iced tea
2. A&W root beer
3. PC Pomegranate pop

Three TV Shows that I watch
1. Criminal Minds
2. Corner Gas
3. Get Smart

Three places I have been
1. Florida
2. Halifax
3. PEI

People that call me regularly
1. ?
3. Yes, I have no friends

Three of my favorite foods
1. Lasagna
2. Tuna
3. Brownies

Three Things I am looking forward to
1. CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Uncle Rob's wedding
3. Christmas

Three Things that are always by your side
1. iPod
2. Book
3. pants

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I'm on vacation
I'll be back on Friday
I will post when I get back I will post a fantastic post of my world travels.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I'm going to post tomorrow about the DS case I knit my sister, I don't have any pictures of it yet.
I'm trying to get rid of my farmers tan, desperately, though I'm only making it worse. I do plan on going to the beach this week so that should cure it.
I still haven't seen Public Enemies, I might just rent it when it comes out.