Tuesday, August 21, 2012

"I don't even know why moo is an option"

    I don't get to drive to camp with my usual band of hoodlums, this makes me incredibly sad.  I found my camp notebook and I was reading the crazy things we did and said on the way to camp last year, then it hit me, I don't get to do that this year.  I won't get to sing-scream the words to all the songs on the camp CD.   I won't get to plan how to rob a skinny asian man of his airstream trailer or a small man of his Lays truck. I won't hear the GPS moo every time we pass a church or go over the speed limit.   I won't get to experience how disgusting green army men gummies are at 8 in the morning( Actually at any time, those things are nasty)  I do however get to cross one thing off my bucket list the night before, one of the things I never thought I would be able to cross off.  I also get o make the journey to camp, though 3 hours shorter with my cousins.  My cousin Ryan will be a ball of crazy energy, so that aspect won't be completely gone.
I'm excited for camp,  last week it finally hit me, I'm going to camp in 2 weeks.  I'm making the big jump from Junior Counsellor to  full fledged counsellor this year.  I'm also in charge of tie-dying which is super fun, but more intense than I thought it would be.   I also am organizing registration the first day, and cabin assignment.  It's been crazy but I love camp so I would do almost anything they'd ask me to do.
In a week I'll be scrubbing a table furiously after crafts before lunch.

Friday, August 17, 2012

9 days.

So I found this fabulous website, or rather my mom sent me a post from it and I became obsessed and have read every single post on it since then...  So what is it?  Camp Confessions.  With less than 2 weeks until camp I am really starting to get pumped up, and this website is helping immensely (also drinking milk regularly and listening to hymns over and over)

Here is a collection of my favourites
This happens practically every single day for me.  I hardly think a day goes by with out a mention of camp.  I know for a fact no Sunday goes by without it.

Industrial dishwashers just make everything better.  And you may be rewarded with the chocolate milk bag.  It's impossible for counsellors because we can't make doing the dishes punishment, unless it's sausage breakfast day.

It was a particularly intense game of Capture the Flag.

Samarah saw this one and she just said, "This is Kaitlyn"

I wrote a whole skit based on this fact.  It's now 9 days until camp.

Bonus post from Camp Counselor moments.  Because really, this happens every single meal.

 p.s I have a camp craft bracelet on right now, one of the ones made from seam binding, it's not coming off for at least 16 more days.

p.p.s I sat here trying to think of a wonderful title for this post and I am completely stumped.  Leave a better title in the comments.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

We are Canadian, and we are proud to win

The Olympics have come and gone. (this is my excuse for not blogging in an eternity)  The Olympics exist for people like me.  The Olympics exist for nationalists.
The opening ceremonies drove me a little insane because they kept showing the royal family, and I have issues with the royal family.  Besides that, they were amazing.  30 Mary Poppins flying from the sky to banish Voldemort was kind of amazing.
Canada did not perform up to everyone's expectations, walking away with one gold medal.  The thing is, the Canadian media builds up our athletes so much.  We are convinced that every single Canadian athlete is going to medal, and we're not, we can't.  I still cheer like crazy for the Canadians in every competition of course.
We had a ton of heartbreak these games. So let's focus on the positive.
The Women's soccer team.  Bronze.  First time for that team, Canada's first medal since '36 in a team sport.  I know, we should have been in the gold medal game, thanks Norway I though we were friends. But Bronze,Canada is a country where we celebrate Bronze like it's gold, ex. 2012 Juniors, Joannie Rochette.
Canada earned a lot of Bronze these games.
In Diving, Emilie Heymans winning medals in 4 straight olympics.
Darren Drouin in the high jump, a complete surprise of a medal and our first medal in high jump since '76.
Brent Hayden finally getting his olympic medal, after so many years of disappointment.
Mark Oldershaw, a 3rd generation Olympian, finally brining a medal to his family.

Our Women's gymnastics team placed 5th when we weren't even supposed to make it to the final.
In the end Canada walked away from these games feeling happy.
The love spread by our athletes on twitter was absolutely amazing (and reading Hayley Wickenheiser's tweets for 2 weeks made me so happy)

As a proud Canadian I always feel like a traitor when I cheer for Michael Phelps.  But he is now the most decorated Olympian of all time, which is amazing.
And who can cheer against Usain Bolt?  Triple gold, 2 Olympics in a row.

Someday maybe Canada will be super awesome at the Summer Olympics, until this happens we will always have the Winter.  I love that only Gold will do in the winter and then at the summer Olympics we celebrate top tens and bronze.