Monday, March 11, 2013

"Hard to believe it was so long ago, And I know we got a long, long way to go"

"One question I have is, Why are the Habs doing so good"

I really don't know.  I can't comprehend it, because last season was so awful.  Last season made no sense.
Here is a list of reasons why we're good this year,
-Markov is back and healthy, his production early in the season really helped us
-Prust, Prust brings a huge amount of energy to the team and he wants to play here.  Also he scores                        here, which he didn't really do in New York or Calgary (or Phoenix, yes apparently he played 11 games with them...)
-Diaz finally grew into himself. (and is now out with a concussion)
-Bourque finally grew into himself (and is now out with a concussion)
-Gionta is back, not having a captain hurts a team, a lot, and now Gio is back and producing
-Campoli and Kaberle aren't the top defensemen anymore.  They are really, really awful.
-Our penalty kill is still absolutely dynamite
-Carey isn't left out to dry every single game
-Budaj is actually given responsibility and is winning games for us (he got a shutout! what!? and we gave him a Boston game...?)
-Ryan White matured!  Prime example, tonight there was a Panther trying to start a really stupid fight and White just let the guy punch him and draw an interference call.  Very unlike Ryan White, he can still destroy you in a fight but he's not as yappy
-I would say Erik Cole but we traded his dead weight, Cole was absolutely amazing last year but he just couldn't get it together this season
-Plekanec actually has wingers that work.
-Pacioretty caught his stride, it took him a long while this season.
-New Coach, New GM.
-Therrien has brought in a new system that everyone has to commit to.  The Boys know they have a real coach this year who isn't leaving and is committed to them.
-Bergevin cut off Scott Gomez and his insane contract and brought in some really good pieces this summer.
 And finally, the Gallys.
 -Alex Galchenyuk, drafted him 3rd over all in the spring.  We got him because we were so bad.  And Man has he helped this team.  It's nice having a good shot of youth, I can say this because I'm older than him right?
-Brendan Gallagher,  you might remember Gallagher from the 2012 WJC.  Drafted incredibly low because he's "too small" (those words mean nothing in Montreal)  Gallagher is the spunk we needed.  Gallagher grinds and skates around aggravating everyone and he scores.  He replaced Cole in the line with Desharnais and Pacioretty and is doing wonders there.

In October/ January everyone was projecting Montreal would finish 13th or 12th in the east.  They said we were the same team, the same bodies.  We're not the Habs are not the same as last year, it's not that we've added a whole lot to our line up (Prust, Boullion, Gallagher, Galchenyuk, Ryder) But our whole mentality has changed.  The Habs last season were in shambles, interim coach, Cammalleri traded mid-game,  depending fully on Price to win every single game, Gill one of our heart and soul guys traded for some crap pieces even though he wanted to stay, people playing bigger than the team, not playing a full 60 minutes, giving up, practically every single person was injured.  All of this is gone.  New team.  The team slogan for this year is, No Excuses and that is exactly what is happening.
I knew we were going to have a playoff spot this year, did I think 1st in the east, 3rd in the league? In no way did I even try to dream that.  Every source completely underestimated us, the fan bases underestimated us.  Of course we've had horrible games and we'll have more but every team does.

And this season more than ever the team motto rings clear, "To you from failing hands we throw the torch, be yours to hold it high"

p.s It will be 20 years this June since the Habs won the cup and I cannot think of a more perfect time to win it again

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I don't want Maurice tonight! I want the Rocket!

So the Oscars were last Sunday night and with that comes the thought I have every single year,
Roy Dupuis doesn't have an Oscar.
It irritates me to no end that Roy Dupuis hasn't earned an Oscar.  No, let me rephrase that, he has earned an Oscar he deserves one but he has not won an Oscar.

Roy has at least 2 movies for which he should have been nominated, The Rocket in 2006 and again for Shake Hands with the Devil in 2008.
I watch The Rocket with very biased eyes but Roy in that movie is magic.  Maurice is revered, not only in the Habs circle but in the whole NHL.  Maurice was a French Canadian star, he broke the 50 goals in 50 games barrier, there is a trophy named after him, he won...cups He brought a voice and respect to the French of Canada.  And Roy enlightens every aspect of this man during his glory, he fire, his passion, his weakness, his humanity, the torch he bore, his pain and joy .   Worthy of an Oscar in my opinion, people have won for less, people have been nominated for less. (and the fact that he also played Maurice in a heritage minute commercial is just too Canadian)
The other movie that he is even more deserving of an Oscar for is, Shake Hands With the Devil where he portrays Romeo Dallaire.  Shake Hands With the Devil received no Oscar nominations, nothing, no mention was made of it.  You need to watch Shake Hands with the Devil, it will destroy you.

I'll never understand why Roy Dupuis  is never honoured at the Oscars.  Never.  It's because he's a Canadian, who acts in Canada.  Maybe someday in the future he'll get a pity win like Scorsese

ps. There was no hope he could have won in 2008 because Daniel Day-Lewis was up.  Could have won best adapted though, then 2 Canadians in the category